

The reason for the Reform

regarding personal assistance in the 90th, was to give controll and power to the individual. It gave an opening for the individual to come toghether as a group, and finally break up from the institutionalisations, Cooperative and such.

The right to choose an independent life, forced the kongress to create an agenda. That made it possible to close the traditonal institutions, and spend the resurses on what became ”personal assistance”. wich also inproved the economy.

Educational Material Concerning Personal Assistance

The following is a collection of educational material that describes why the home help service organisation didn’t work for handicapped people.
The Act Concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments (LSS) resulted in the user finally taking control of his own life. However, the user has to introduce and instruct his own personal assistants himself. The new role as work manager makes it necessary for the user to be get training as a supervisor, which is a good way to guarantee a good work environment.

All material is produced by Johan Lundeqvist.

The myth of Sweden

Myten om Sverige is a story by Adolf Ratzka, born in Germany, who came to Sweden in 1973. With fresh eyes and his own handicap he soon realized that the home help service didn’t work for him and many others in the same situation.
–He decided to do something about it.The result was LSS – The Act Concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments.
That is what we all refer to as personal assistance today.

Shout and you…

Som man ropar får man svar shows situations that can arise if the manager doesn’t take responsibility for his leadership role. It also shows how easy it is for the assistant to take control if there is a lack of guidance.


With an employment interview that starting point is reflected questions and explanations with the aid of little tillskruvade scenes.

The eye-opener!

En provocerande film om etik och moral. Att leva med funktionsnedsättning i ett segregerat samhälle utan tillgänglighet, är det en fullvärdig medborgare?

Turkey head!?

Kalkonskallen illustrates the combination of a manager who is mentally unbalanced and a young and fledgling assistant, who tries to please the manager without success.

The assistant reform

regarding personal assistance in the 90th, was to give controll and power to the individual. It gave an opening for the individual to come toghether as a group, and finally break up from the institutionalisations, Cooperative and such.

The right to choose an independent life, forced the kongress to create an agenda. That made it possible to close the traditonal institutions, and spend the resurses on what became ”personal assistance”. wich also inproved the economy.